Daily Rules

Things to do DAILY on the Clean Program

-Plan and prepare 3 meals: two liquid and one solid, along with supplements:
      -natural fiber-flax
      -probiotics supplement (make sure it has 15 billion organisms)
      -1 garlic pill ( or clove) a day
      -2 T olive oil before bed, followed by water with lemon
      -milk thistle (syilmarin) supplement
      -hemp or natural protein powder

-Leave a 12 hour window between dinner and breakfast every day.

-Make sure you have a bowel movement by the end of each day. If this doesn't happen make it happen with a natural laxative:
      -Dr. Schulze's Intestinal Formula #1
      -Swiss Kris
      -Castor oil – half a shot glass, followed by a glass of water with lemon

-Drink 2 quarts of water a day. (at least) You should pee once an hour if possible.

-Move, walk, jump. Exercise makes you sweat, which releases toxins and helps your bowels to eliminate; it also causes your breath to be more heavy and deep.

-Rest. Get plenty of rest and be sure to breath deeply all day long.

Optional Activities:

-Meditate at least 5 minutes a day concentrating on your breath.

-Sweating (sauna) and skin brushing helps rid toxins through the skin. Brush skin before a shower and follow with a hot-cold plunge. Alternate water between hot and cold to boost circulation and detoxification.

-Yoga. helps with breathing, along with bending and twisting which helps promote good functioning in the organs.

-Give yourself an enema as often as you'd like. It will help drain the colon of toxins.

-massage, deep tissue massage works best for eliminating toxins